Quote of the Blog
“Change is never painful. Only resistance to change is painful.”

The Experience of Transformation
Every now and then we all come to a point in our lives where absolutely nothing makes sense. It appears everything that could go wrong does. I’ve come to learn that in a season like this, transformation is taking place. While it may not seem like it, eventually we find ourselves on the other side of a storm. A storm in which we look back and realize the events that had to happen to bring in a new life. In the spiritual world, we call it “death and rebirth”.
“Death and rebirth” is just as it sounds. It takes place in your awakened life. It’s when you go through a phase of endings (death) that must happen whether willingly or unwillingly to welcome in and make room for new changes (rebirth) in one’s life.
Often those changes are not without sacrifice and can be painful as well. I like to think of it as God, the universe testing you to see if you are ready to welcome in something new. The best part, and to some, the worst part is making the decision to have faith and go with the punches.
Signs of Transformation
- Things start to break down. These things could be health, jobs, relationships, or everyday life.
- You may feel like you no longer belong where you are. There may be changes that you have within yourself that outgrow your surroundings.
- You may feel confused on what direction to take. Opportunities may come in many ways. *Use your discernment. Every opportunity isn’t a great one. *
How to Deal with Transformation

- Only you can determine what’s best for you in the time of transformation and which direction to take. Looking for advice from someone who’s never been in your position isn’t wise.
- Surround yourself with those who are doing something you want to do or something similar.
- Overthinking makes things worse!!! BELIEVE ME! Follow what your heart and intuition is telling you. Most importantly, pray and meditate on it to whoever you believe in.
- Even if you feel like you’ve made the wrong decision, don’t beat yourself up about it. Only time will tell, and you can’t speed time up.
- To add on to number four, you can always learn a lesson from mistakes. (Second quote and imagery: “Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden on the mind.” -Buddha)
- Don’t look back! Keep moving forward!

“Remembering a wrong is like carrying a burden on the mind.”
In Closing
There is no particular way I wanted to end this article. My goal is only to give you something to think about.
Peace and Love,