“Now is the time to take back your energy, your power, and your peace.” -Debbie Ford

Have you ever walked into a room and started feeling a way you didn’t feel before you walked in, like there was some sort of an energy shift?  I believe we all have at some point in our lives because everything and everyone around us holds energy.  

When we are functioning in lower vibrations or in a bad mood, the people or team around us are invited into that frequency. If they’re not protecting their energy, your bad energy becomes their energy and vice versa. For example, you have a set of twins, and one seems to feel what the other is feeling all the time. Their connection is so strong that it allows them to feed off of each other. Believe or not, humanity as a whole operates this way, whether they are related or not. We all are a part of an energy source.

When we are invited to an energy of negativity, most of the time we unknowingly absorb it. We are all now a part of the same energy flow. Before you know it, we are surrounded by this bad energy source that soon falls into a domino effect in every aspect of our lives until we’re in better energy.

You Are What You Feel

Although we may not know when we absorb a particular energy, we can choose not to become a part of that vibration. If you are choosing to let your emotions take on the role of the people around you, you start to play that role. Importantly, it is necessary to surround ourselves with people who walk with the vibration we would like to have or possess a quality of. Simple enough, if we want to become successful, we must surround ourselves with successful people. If we don’t want to thrive, we will attract the same kind of people. It’s all about your energy presence that attracts the people and experiences around you.

Blocking Energy

In order to block a certain energy, we first have to notice it. Once we get in the habit of noticing energies as we walk into a room, we will be able to take control of our feelings and block unwanted energy. It can be easier than it sounds. For it to be fully effective, you have to know who you truly are, as well as understand your own energy. I will be writing a blog on understanding your energy soon. Until then, here are a few ways to protect your energy.

Ways to Protect Your Energy

  • Stay out of other people’s problems. This can be the easiest way to absorb the energy you didn’t invite into your space.
  • Know the difference between good and bad energy. You may think it’s a no brainer but sometimes it’s not. For example, you can be helping a friend and giving advice, but your friend constantly comes back day after day for the same advice you’ve already given. Chances are, your energy is draining and surely, you are becoming part of something that had nothing to do with you. You were only being a good friend. Draw the line between giving advice and constantly repeating yourself to avoid absorbing the unwanted energy.
  • Surround yourself with your inner self. Your inner self reveals the truth, only if you took time to do the work. When you become in alignment with your truth, you start to attract the people you want around you. Be mindful though…you will also repel those that aren’t in alignment with your truth.
  • Meditate. Learn how to block the energy that isn’t yours. Become a master at the saying, ‘It’s none of my business.’ (Trust me, it works!)

The Law of Attraction works in everything you do, whether its personal or business. The energy you put in will come out. It’s Law!

Peace and blessings,



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